Fun and Easy Halloween Craft

Looking for a way to add some halloween decorations to your house, but don't want to spend a ton? Here is a cute, fun, really easy and super cheap craft you can do! 
All you will need is:
1. Letters (I got the Paper Mache letters at Hobby Lobby for $2.47 each)
2. Black Acrylic Paint (I got it at Hobby Lobby for less than $2)
3. Halloween Scrapbook paper (again I got them at Hobby Lobby for $.59 each)
4. Mod Podge (I already had some, but you can get it at any craft store for pretty cheap)

(You can use any kind of Mod Podge you like. I used this one because it is what I had, but they also have a white one, that dries clear, that would work good. And whichever finish you want to. I prefer a Matte finish most of the time, but if you like shiny things then get a gloss finish!)

So the first step is to paint the letters. (all sides) Once they are all dry and you have decided which scrapbook paper is going on which letter, trace that letter on the paper, then cut out. (I only put the paper on the front and the sides of the letters) After your letter is cut out line it up to the letter and then do some final cutting to have it fit the way you want it. I made mine a little smaller than the letter so the black corners would show. Also cut out strips for the sides and fit them to your liking. Once the paper is all cut out and fitted, then it is time to mod podge them on the letters! I brushed the mod podge on the painted letter, then put the paper on (i didn't mod podge the back side of the paper, it would get to flimsy and rip) After the paper is on and lined up how you want it, let it dry, then mod podge the whole letter! Then repeat for the other letters! Now you have a Halloween decoration! 

I added a little bow to my "B" with some orange ribbon I had. You can choose to do that too, or you don't have to! It's your craft, do what you want!! :)

Hope you all enjoyed it and try your own someday!! :) 

Happy Halloween!!


  1. I'm always on the lookout for a cheap and easy decorum craft! Thanks!!!


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