Knife block make-over!

 Looking for an easy way to add a POP of color to your kitchen?! 

 Take your old wooden knife block and give it a make-over! :) It's super easy and adds a lot to your kitchen.  All you need is:

1) Sandpaper (Fine grade will work good!)
2) Color of paint you so desire (I just use the cheap acrylic paint you can get at any craft store!)
3) Clear coat (once again I used a Matte finish, because I like that look, but you can use whatever finish you like!)
4) Small paint brush

 Now you are ready to go!!

So first step you want to do is wipe it down, get it as clean as you can. Then sand it down!

Once it is all sanded down, you can start painting away!
(I mixed two colors to get the exact color I wanted.)

After it is all painted and dried, then spray a good clear coat on it. So it will stay protected from water or any other messes that might go on in the kitchen! :)

After the clear coat is dry, you are good to put the knives back and you now have a fun, updated knife block that adds a touch of color to your kitchen! 

Fabulous right?! I love it! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This looks great! I did almost the same color with my knife block a few months ago! Samesies!

  3. Oh no way, that's awesome!! Love it! :)


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